Children's Ministry
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
At Unity we encourage our youth in building their personal relationships with God through scripture, by being active in worship, prayer and in service honoring Our Lord Jesus Christ faithfully. There are many opportunities here at Unity which promote growth in their faith. We would love to have your children join us in service and classes as we encourage the youth to seek God's will for their lives. Children are a blessing from the Lord, and we are aware how precious they are. Our classes are prepared for age appropriate lessons, with goals of meeting the children where they are in life development.
Sunday School Classes 10AM (all ages)
Little Jewels Sunday AM (dismissed from 11AM service) 3-5 years old
Junior Church Sunday AM (dismissed from 11AM service) 6-11 years old
Wednesday Evening Youth Service : 7PM (5-18 years old)
As children appreciate a variety of activities, and of course time with their friends, we offer the opportunity for fellowship with fun separate youth activities for our juniors and teens monthly.
Juniors 6-11 years old
Teens 12-18 years old
Our scheduled activities vary onsite and offsite.
Onsite we have access to a basketball court and a game room including an air hockey table, ping pong table, foosball and many family board games.
Our offsite activities are scheduled in advance with information shared during our services/classes.